By Stephen Mooney & Jordie Bellaire

It’s that long awaited time of the month that Half Past Danger returns and with it, guess who’s back? No spoilers but there are some pretty big game-changing reveals this issue that’ll have you reading the whole thing with your mouth agape.

Our small group of heroes are chasing the brutally evil Nazi Oberleutant Toht, who is on a battleship full of dinosaurs heading for the good ol’ U.S of A. This mission has not gone as smooth as I assume they wanted it and being out-maneuvered by Toht almost every step of the way really has the team in dire straits. A lot is going on this issue but you don’t feel lost, it’s just a very face paced and engaging read. Series creator Stephen Mooney, who handles both writing and drawing duties, has the voice of his characters down and is taking us on a ride with this story so far. Where most series have a slow build and take a while to develop their stories or characters, Mooney doesn’t need that. Five issues in and not only have we gotten to know these characters, but this issue we learn that some people aren’t exactly being honest with who they are.

It’s impressive that Mooney not only writes every issue each month but draws it too, and his art is fantastic. He has a mix of a gritty real-world style mixed with a pulp vibe that really compliments the story. Cannot forget to mention Jordie Bellaire’s colors, because they are also a huge part of this series. With Half Past Danger’s throwback style of story and honest art, Bellaire adds so much vibrant color that just makes panels pop, without pages looking like a psychedelic rainbow. Nothing against psychedelic rainbows but it wouldn’t fit this book. The colors are just bright enough to elevate the series without taking anything away from it. A great example is how well the black and red scenes inside the submarine help add to the suspense and environment.

Half Past Danger is one of the most underrated comics out there and people who just want a great adventure title should really check this out. I highly recommend reading the previous issue first, though. This is not an issue to jump in on. If you have been following this series than this issue is essential reading. Mooney has done an incredible job with this series and really put his name out there on a lot of radars and with good reason. Can’t wait till the next issue!


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Former Contributor

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