By Jeff Parker and Marc Laming

With the third issue of Kings Watch, things have really started to heat up, with our heroes having been bested by Cobra who now seems to be one step away from fulfilling his evil plot to open the Kings Watch. This issue is the halfway point of this five issue series and we finally get all three of our heroes together in one spot but unfortunately it seems like it’s too late and the chips are stacked against our team.

This whole series has been a high octane adventure, it started strong out of the gate, and hasn’t slowed down yet. Parker knows how to keep a reader’s attention and utilize as much as he can out of this five issue mini-series. He keeps the action moving while still being able to develop both story and characters while doing so without it seeming like he’s drilling the reader with information with made up corny dialog. When it comes to a mini-series with established characters who haven’t been properly utilized for many years, Parker gives both fan-boys and new readers alike a great adventure story that’s fun and engaging to read.

Not only does the story hit hard but the art has stayed consistently strong so far through this series and has really put Marc Laming on a lot more people’s radars. He keeps the character designs very true to their origins but also still is able to give the series a modern vibe to show that these characters could exist and be relevant in almost any time period. Laming’s art just helps heighten the strength of Parker’s story while also managing to help smoothly move things along and bring this adventure story to life.

Only two issues left and it will be interesting to see how our heroes handle the grim predicament they seem to be caught in. Kings Watch is shaping up to be a fun ride while showing it’s not about who the characters are but how you use them. Dynamite have a plethora of classic pulp heroes at their helm right now but no one is doing anything quite as fun as Kings Watch. Writers take note you can do dark pulps while still throwing a in a bit of lighthearted fun without compromising anything.



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