By James Robinson, Greg Hinkle

“I have to say, Airboy, looking down on it from the rooftop… it was scary in the street, but now we’re up high and safe… it is kind of glamorous.”

“You’re an idiot.”

James Robinson and Greg Hinkle head towards the final issue of their 4 part series with Airboy #3. Last issue Airboy decided it high time they head back to his world as he pulled Robinson and Hinkle all the way back to WW2. Turns out these two aren’t really suited for war… but they also don’t really have a choice in the matter. You better get suited fellas!

Writer James Robinson uses this issue to take a dark look at some of the aspects of his character’s life. A parallel between the two worlds causes him to reflect on his own life and question his sanity – all while contemplating if this encounter with Airboy is because of the drugs, or perhaps all just a dream. Robinson does a good job of keeping that part of the story up in the air (see what I did there?) as we never really know what is happening in relation to Airboy’s appearance. Will he wake up in his bed like Dorothy? What was Dorothy on anyway?

The artist on this series is Greg Hinkle as he once again places Robinson and himself into the pages of Airboy. Hinkle creates some crazy scenes due to the war setting we’re thrown into from the beginning of this issue. A great scene right off the bat shows the three characters running from rooftop to rooftop in a two-page spread as group bandits chase them down in planes. The scene takes place at night and the planes seem to glow as they stand out in white compared to the deep purple background.

This issue also introduces us to a lot of Airboy’s world as we enter into his secret hideout and meet some of his comrades (also his lady friend… whom he isn’t on the best terms with). It seems no matter what reality these guys are in their luck with the ladies doesn’t change — except for maybe Hinkle’s luck… I wonder whose idea that scene was…

Issue #3 of Airboy throws Robinson and Hinkle into a bigger mess than they were already in. Their lives don’t seem to be going how they want, and this bender they’re on doesn’t seem to be losing any steam…but when Airboy assigns them a new task to help out the war efforts it makes you wonder…are these two ready to be heroes?


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