By Greg Rucka, Cully Hamner & Dave McCaig

It’s safe to say that Greg Rucka returning to focus on the Question was one of this reviewer’s most anticipated Convergence tie-ins and it’s great to see that Rucka did not disappoint. Returning to Renee Montoya, he puts her against Harvey Dent in what turned out to be one of the strongest Convergence books so far, offering a real delight to read that fans looking to see the Question back in action should really enjoy, with the only real negative point coming out of this issue is that there’s only one more left.

Opening in the pre-Flashpoint Gotham City, Rucka sets the tone for the book well, and with the help of penciller Cully Hamner and colourist Dave McCaig, creates a fantastic atmosphere of Gotham City as he explores the City incredibly well, especially when we get to see it combine with the Flashpoint world. With the focus largely on the exchanges between the Question and Harvey Dent in this issue there isn’t much time for Convergence-related adventures, but instead we get a good look into both characters who really haven’t received a lot of attention in the New 52, so it’s fantastic to have them back, especially with this creative team.

In fact, this book has plenty of Gotham-centric characters who don’t receive enough attention in the New 52 with Batwoman and Huntress entering the fray as well; a very interesting line-up indeed, with The Question, much like the Convergence issue of Justice League, serving up a nice start that would allow for a very strong monthly book.

The artistic team of Cully Hamner and Dave McCaig makes an excellent addition to Rucka’s writing skills. The mood of the book feels like a noir-ish thriller and you instantly get that it’s meant to take place in Gotham City, with Hamner managing to handle the characters very well, making a really interesting mix.

If you’ve been wondering what the stronger books of DC’s Convergence event have been so far, then Convergence: The Question is certainly one of those. Greg Rucka is in fine form here and handles the fan favourite characters wonderfully well, with some excellent artwork from Hamner and McCaig. This is an issue that you won’t want to miss.


About The Author Milo Milton Jef​feries

Milo is a fan of comics, movies and television, and he reads too many books, listens to far too much music and watches far too many shows and movies. His favourite Star Wars movie is The Last Jedi.

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