By Andrez Bergen

“Thinking about nothing else, except maybe the next drink… a martini, manhattan or a screwdriver? … when Ponch and his wheels disappeared from the screen.”

This issue of Trista and Holt delivers the message that things coming up are about to get crazy! But don’t worry, because this issue is filled with plenty of that old school detective fiction crazy already — including images of your favorite Hollywood stars in dazzling black and white!

Andrez Bergen, the author of Bullet Gal, takes us deep into the world of crime with this latest issue. We get a great scene featuring a trap laid for Holt’s longtime personal driver Lou Holden. The scene features images and even the car from Starsky and Hutch, which has been turned black and white by Bergen. With some of Mercella’s guys waiting for him at the destination this scene quickly takes the joyride and turns it into an old school gun fight, taking place at a whopping 60mph!!! (so says the speedometer on the page). During this scene Bergen has a lot of fun with the visuals on the page as well as having bullet shells sprinkling down among the sound effects of “BUDDA BUDDA” and “BOOM”.

This issue brings Bergen’s narrating style once again side by side with his creative take on visuals using various images and combing them together. This issue sets up events later to come, but doesn’t hold back from giving some powerful scenes from beginning to end — as one page hints at “And now? Shit’s going to really hit the fan.”


About The Author Former Contributor

Former Contributor

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