2 Columns, Comic Culture, News Comic Culture: Top 3 Publishers I’m Reading Every week on the Comic Culture I like to try to touch on many different aspects of the industry, from a consumer as well as…
0 Columns, Comic Culture, News Comic Culture: Tips to Keep Your Pull List Lean I have a confession to make. I am usually pretty good at keeping my pull list lean and mean, but lately it has become increasingly…
0 Columns, Comic Culture, News Comic Culture: The “Eisenberg” Effect Another day. Another casting announcement that seems to have split fanboys down the center. Unless you have been living under a rock you’ve probably already…
2 Columns, Digital or Bust, News Digital or Bust: Part 5 – The Conclusion? We’re here, true believers. It’s been five weeks of digital pulls and now it’s time to make a decision because for some reason I told…
1 Columns, Comic Culture, News Comic Culture: Going Digital “Revisited” With Tyler’s Digital or Bust experiment wrapping up, I thought it might be a good idea to revisit why I went digital for my monthly…
0 Columns, Comic Culture, News Comic Culture: To Grade or Not to Grade? By a show of internet hands, how many of you have heard of graded comics? If you are reading this column, then I am going…
0 Columns, Comic Culture, News Comic Culture: Taking a Personal Comic “Holiday” Greetings all. It is no question that things can get a little crazy around the holidays. Traveling, spending time with friends and family, as well…
11 Columns, Digital or Bust, News Digital or Bust: Prologue Prologue. The argument, or the war, between digital comics and physical comics is not a new one. When people think digital comics most, if not…
16 Columns, Comic Culture, News Comic Culture: Digital or Bust? This week I really want to spark some conversation on Comic Culture. While I don’t believe it will ever reach this point, I want to hear…
1 Columns, Comic Culture, News Comic Culture: 3 Books To Get Adults Into Comics Ever had a friend with no comic experience ask you for suggestions for books to read to get their foot into the genre? This is…