East of West #13

As a whole, this issue demonstrates some of the best traits of the creative team. Every aspect of this book has kicked up the pace of the overall story and really helped to rejuvenate reader excitement for the future of this series.

Baltimore: The Infernal Train #3

The Infernal Train #3 was an excellent ending to a top-notch installment in the Baltimore series. The story was wrapped up in a thoroughly satisfying manner, while still providing new developments and mysteries to pull the reader in for the next arc.

Rat Queens #1

Rat Queens #1 is one of the most sincerely funny comic books you could be reading this month. However, if you were to remove the generous dose of humor from its pages, this book would still have a wonderful story that would maintain its interesting qualities.

Kiss Me, Satan #1

…the first installment was masterfully paced and scripted, and the artwork is phenomenal. If you enjoy action or horror with a bit of humor, do yourself a favor and give this one a chance.

Sons of Anarchy #1

By Christopher Golden, Damian Couceiro, & Stephen Downer There are plenty of movies and TV series that have seen comic book counterparts released. However, these…

Brain Boy #1

Admittedly, many aspects of Brain Boy have been done before within the medium of comic book story-telling. However, there is something about the way each aspect has been pieced together with the rest of the book that makes it feel fresh and new. Issue #1 was not only a terrific introduction to this story, but was also an incredibly exciting and quick-paced initial installment. If the rest of this series maintains the sensibilities present throughout #1 then this is a book to watch out for.