By Brian Michael Bendis, Andrea Sorrentino and Marcel Maiolo
As we roll on with some more battle worlds, this week we get a look at Old Man Logan. The character was made popular when written by Mark Miller for a story arc a few years ago. We get to see how another superb writer handles the alternate universe Wolverine.
One of the things that Brian Michael Bendis does well this issue is that he keeps the continuity of the first story. Fans often complain about Bendis doing what he wants and forgetting continuity, but he includes many of the elements that made the original work great. We get to see baby Hulk and Emma Frost again in this issue, and it was cool that Bendis used both of them. This issue starts off with some good action and essentially sets the tone of the book and who Logan really is at this point in his life. If you are a reader who is not familiar with him, Bendis characterizes him well in this introductory issue. He’s a no-nonsense guy who is tired of games. This is the type of Wolverine fans fell in love with, not the watered down “uncle Logan” that has been around for the past ten years.
The pencils are done by Andrea Sorrentino with colors by Marcel Maiolo. Sorrentino is one of the hottest artists in comics at the moment. His work in this book is great as well, however there are a couple of panels where you may have to stare at for a minute to figure out what happens. That aside, Sorrentino brings so much style to his work that the book should instantly become awesome. Spreads of Logan riding in the desert as empty canyons are around him are a highlight of the issue, but don’t be fooled, Sorrentino draws an awesome battle scene too. The colors by Marcel Maiolo work well for Sorrentino’s work, but these two usually team up regularly. Maiolo adds the right tones to fit Sorrentino’s stylized art that makes this an even better visual treat.
As far as tie-in books go, Old Man Logan pretty much rocked. It’s not often you get to see someone get their foot cut off in a Marvel book, but you do in this one. Brian Michael Bendis wrote a very good first issue that should make everyone an even bigger fan of this alt-world Logan. The art and colors propel the book from very good to great. This is the tie-in to beat so far.

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