Data provided by Martin Ferretti, Greg Holland, and
Bloodshot is a well-known and highly recognizable series that first launched in 1993 by (then) Valiant Comics. The character was created in 1992 by Kevin VanHook and Yvel Guichet (see Eternal Warrior #4 for the 1st Appearance of Bloodshot) and is now (at the time of this writing) in it’s 4th Volume (Bloodshot: Reborn) spanning more than 23 years.
In the Spring of 2015, Valiant partnered with DMG (a Chinese/US film production group / distributor with a hand in such movies as Transformers: Age of Extinction, Iron Man 3, and Looper) and together raised a nine-figure film fund to adapt the Valiant characters to film and TV (source: DMG and Valiant to Bring Largest Independent Superhero Universe to Movie Theaters Worldwide). For those who like numbers, nine-figures is basically in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
In the Summer of 2015, Valiant then announced a partnership with Sony Pictures to bring Bloodshot and Harbinger to the Big Screen in a five picture plan that culminates in a shared universe Harbinger Wars movie.
“Bloodshot, arriving in theaters in 2017, will kick off the five-picture plan leading to Harbinger Wars and will be directed by David Leitch & Chad Stahelski (John Wick) from a script by Jeff Wadlow (Kick Ass 2) and Eric Heisserer (Story of Your Life). Neal H. Moritz and Toby Jaffe from Original Film (The Fast and the Furious franchise) and Dinesh Shamdasani from Valiant Entertainment will produce the film. Matthew Vaughn and Jason Kothari will serve as executive producers.” (source: The Valiant Voice)
“Harbinger will follow shortly thereafter from a script by Eric Heisserer (Story of Your Life). Sony and Valiant remain tight-lipped about potential directors. Neal H. Moritz and Toby Jaffe from Original Film (The Fast and the Furious franchise) and Dinesh Shamdasani from Valiant Entertainment will produce.” (source: The Valiant Voice)
“Both Bloodshot and Harbinger will be followed by sequels before the title characters confront each other head on inHarbinger WARS—a motion picture directly inspired by Valiant’s critically acclaimed 2013 comic book crossover of the same name. Andrea Giannetti will oversee the five-picture Harbinger Wars initiative for Sony Pictures.” (source: The Valiant Voice)
So clearly, the five film projects that are known (so far) are:
1.) Bloodshot (Sony Pictures: expected 2017 / 2018 timeframe)
2.) Harbinger
3.) Bloodshot 2
4.) Harbinger 2
5.) Harbinger Wars
With the help of both Greg Holland (site owner and manager of for more than a decade), and Martin Ferretti (site owner and manager of Valiant Database); as well as historical sales data as provided by, we can list (with some variance) the estimated quantities of these books that are (highly likely) in circulation today.
While there are vastly differing opinions with speculators, investors, collectors, and casual readers, it is a solid bet that the demand for these books (regardless of personal reason) is going to be greater than the supply.
The purpose of this article is to educate collectors about the Top 5 Rarest Bloodshot Comics published and/or distributed.

5. Bloodshot #25 (Perlin 1:20 Variant)
Coming in at No. 5 on this list is the Bloodshot #25 (Perlin 1:20 Variant). Published in November of 2014, Bloodshot #25 had a print run of 6,955 copies (source: Comichron sales data for November of 2014).
This variant was listed at #39 on Greg Holland’s Top 100 Rarest Valiant books 2012-present list. There are only 240 known copies of this book.
240 copies according to Greg Holland’s Valiant Fans
No Data according to Martin Ferretti’s Valiant Database
Artist Don Perlin was the original Bloodshot artist, drawing the covers and/or interior pages (with few exceptions) for 1993’s Bloodshot #1 until Bloodshot #17. Most of what the world knows and recognizes of the character was first created by Perlin.
His cover for the Bloodshot #25 (Perlin 1:20 Variant) is the last known work he created for the title, and solidifies a 20+ year history of Perlin’s artwork with the title. It represents a nod to the classic series, which fans and/or collectors will recognize and/or appreciate.
At the time of this writing, Perlin, now 86 years old, recently had surgery to stop bleeding in his head and is dealing with a long and unpleasant recovery. Recently, Clifford Meth organized a GoFundMe Campaign for Perlin to help him financially during his recovery.

4. Bloodshot: Reborn #10 (LaRosa 1:50 Variant)
No. 4 is the Bloodshot: Reborn #10 (LaRosa 1:50 Variant). Published in January of 2016, Bloodshot: Reborn #10 had a print run of 10,756 copies (source: Comichron sales data for January of 2016).
This variant was listed at #14 on Greg Holland’s Top 100 Rarest Valiant books 2012-present list, and between both Greg and Martin’s estimates, has a variance of only +/-42 issues. With this variance, speculators, investors, and collectors might calculate closer to 215 copies to be safe; however, 215 copies is the absolute best case scenario and the 173 is more likely correct.
173 copies according to Greg Holland’s Valiant Fans
215 copies according to Martin Ferretti’s Valiant Database
There are a number of additional factors that make this book interesting. It features (arguably) the best art of the series, and is considered by many to be the “Definitive Bloodshot” by artist Lewis LaRosa. The story takes place 30 years in the future, and is full of easter eggs of events to come. It features the first appearance of the Shadowman Cult, which has the potential to further impact events in Valiant’s 4001 story arcs. It is written by writer Jeff Lemire who has a significant fan-following.
Additionally, with three Bloodshot movies in development, this is a book that will only grow in demand; however, the very low number of available copies in circulation will not.
You can also read my review of Bloodshot: Reborn #10.

3. Bloodshot #25 (Hitch 1:50 Variant)
No. 3 is the Bloodshot #25 (Hitch 1:50 Variant). Published in November of 2014, Bloodshot #25 had a print run of 6,955 copies (source: Comichron sales data for November of 2014). There are only 120 known copies of this book.
This variant was listed at #4 on Greg Holland’s Top 100 Rarest Valiant books 2012-present list.
120 copies according to Greg Holland’s Valiant Fans
No Data according to Martin Ferretti’s Valiant Database
The Bloodshot #25 (Hitch 1:50 Variant) is included as part of Greg Holland’s Insane Five which features the five rarest modern Valiant comics released since the 2012 re-launch. This book features art by a number of artists, including the story “Glitch” featuring art by Lewis LaRosa.
Similar to the other books on this list, with three Bloodshot movies in development, this is a book that will only grow in demand; however, the very low number of available copies in circulation will not.
Even without three movies in development, it is hands-down one of the hardest to find Valiant books of all time, and will always have a demand by collectors.

2. Bloodshot #0 (Platinum Error):
Printed in 1994, Bloodshot #0 had a print-run of approx 300,000 copies, and featured a wrap-around chromium cover featuring artwork by Joe Quesada (who later went on to become the second longest serving editor-in-chief for Marvel Comics, with Stan Lee being the longest serving).
Valiant released 5,000 copies of the Bloodshot #0 (Gold Incentive Variant) to retailers for placing large orders of Bloodshot #0. However, during the testing phase, “prototypes” were developed and evaluated prior to mass-production and distribution. The Bloodshot #0 (Platinum Error) first appeared in 2002. Rumors as to how many copies exist have stated as low as 25 and as high as 300 copies. However, in the past 22 years only 17 copies have been and/or accounted for. According to Valiant Fans:
“The Bloodshot #0 (Platinum” Error) cover was not released for sale to the public or as an official dealer incentive. The print run was rumored to be as low as 25 copies, which was the size of a test run during the printing process.”
According to Recalled Comics:
“The platinum “error” version of this issue appears to be a gold edition manufactured without the additional gold ink being applied to the chromium cover graphics. Other than the omission of gold ink, this seems identical to the limited edition (5,000) gold issue, including the lack of cover price.”
“It is unknown whether these variants are pre-press proofs or produced in print test runs ahead of the main print run (to validate the copy before the final print run), which one source suggests would limit the print run to 25. Alternatively these could be a produced by manufacturing errors in the main print run e.g. the gold ink supply may have run out or they may have been left out from one part of the embossing process.”
The “KING OF BLOODSHOT BOOKS“! In 2008 Bloodshot #0 (Platinum Error) CGC 9.8 was sold for $5,500. All other sales (including raw sales) have been more than $1,000+ in recent years. The most recent sale (November 2015) was for $2,100 for a CGC 9.6 graded copy (a +31% increase from the previous CGC 9.6 sale of $1,600). The Bloodshot #0 (Platinum Error) is considered by many collectors as the “Holy Grail” or “White Whale” of Classic Valiant comics and is ALWAYS in demand. Frequent requests to buy are publicly made in forums and on social media, but actual sales are VERY RARE. As previously stated, this book features a platinum logo and price box with no cover price.

1. Bloodshot #0 (“Pink” Gold Printing Error)
There is only one of these one earth. This mysterious Bloodshot grail is the Bloodshot #0 (“Pink” Gold Printing Error) aka Bloodshot “Pink” of which only one copy has ever been found! According to Recalled Comics:
“The Pink (or Gold) “error” edition is more interesting as it has elements from the standard edition (the price) but also has the title color (gold) from the Gold edition. CGC note this as a Gold printing error, manufactured with a pink logo. This may actually be an early pre-press proof for the Gold edition, the design for which was altered for the main print run (embossing the logo and removing the price), we will probably never know.”
“At the moment there is only one known copy (which is CGC graded) and, as such, there is no market price data for it, hence we can only guess at what it would go for.”
The Bloodshot #0 (“Pink” Gold Printing Error) likely pre-dates the Bloodshot #0 (Platinum Error) as the “Pink” appears to be more closely related to the regular Bloodshot #0 featuring both the price and the gold color (which was likely the first test run prior to production of the Bloodshot #0 (Gold Incentive Variant) before the decision to remove the price was made). There were reports of possibly two copies being sold to the same buyer; however, after contacting the actual buyer it appears that only one copy has ever actually been sold, which is the only known copy. In April 2013 he wrote:
“How many known copies are there of the pink? I was under the impression (last time I checked) that there was only 1 known copy of this error. If that’s the case then I still own it…”
“The platinum variety is an error of the gold that looks as if it could have been made purposefully (my understanding is that we still don’t know). The pink book is just a freak. I have no doubt it was made intentionally, but probably as a joke. It has a cover price that would associate it as an error of the regular. The “Bloodshot” in the title of the cover is in gold ink that would associate it as an error of the gold. Then you add in the highly pink box with the white area around the valiant logo and it’s just a really weird book. I have a hard time believing there are many (or even multiple) copies in existence.”
With three Bloodshot-centric movies planned in the near future, it is highly likely that this book will only continue to stand at or near the top of this list.
(NOTE: After the production and released of both Eternal Warrior #1 (Gold-Flat) and Archer & Armstrong #0 (Gold) in 1992, all subsequent Valiant Gold Incentive Variants were published without a cover price. This indicates that the Bloodshot #0 (“Pink” Gold Printing Error), which was likely produced in 1994, was almost certainly a test and/or prototype, and not an actual error).
*************HONORABLE MENTIONS*************

Valiant Entertainment’s Bloodshot #1 (Ribic 1:50 Variant) was released on July of 2012 as a retailer incentive for ordering 50 copies of VEI Bloodshot #1 (which had a print run of 29,224 copies). Based on those numbers, it is expected that (at best) less than 600 copies exist in circulation (with perhaps a few extra copies at the Valiant Offices for records, to give away, etc).
Most of the books released by Valiant Entertainment after between 2012 and the beginning of 2015 are difficult to obtain in CGC/CBCS 9.8. (Divinity and Book of Death both released in 2015 had far superior cover stock).
As of this writing, 43 copies have been graded, with 28 copies graded at 9.8. There numbers are likely due to improved pre-screens by CGC customers and also as offered by CGC itself.
Sales (currently) tend to be around $249 for CGC/CBCS 9.8.

Valiant Entertainment’s Bloodshot #1 (Lozzi Gold Variant) was released on September of 2013 (more than a year after the release of Bloodshot #1) as a part of the Valiant Gold Program as a reward for fans and/or retailers who either earned a copy through action, or via contests, promotions etc . It is unknown how many exist in circulation, however, Valiant Gold books are always uncommon in comparison to most variants for a given issue.
Most of the books released by Valiant Entertainment after between 2012 and the beginning of 2015 are difficult to obtain in CGC/CBCS 9.8 (Divinity and Book of Death both released in 2015 had far superior cover stock).
As of this writing, 13 copies have been graded, with 8 copies graded at 9.8. There numbers are likely due to improved pre-screens by CGC customers and also as offered by CGC itself; in addition to low availability of this book to begin with.
Sales (currently) tend to be between $250 for CGC/CBCS 9.8 (three known private sales).
Valiant Entertainment’s Bloodshot: Reborn #1 (Gold Edition) was released on April of 2015 as a part of the Valiant Gold Program as a reward for fans and/or retailers who either earned a copy through action, or via contests, promotions etc . It is unknown how many exist in circulation, however, Valiant Gold books are always uncommon in comparison to most variants for a given issue.
Most of the books released by Valiant Entertainment after between 2012 and the beginning of 2015 are difficult to obtain in CGC/CBCS 9.8 (Divinity and Book of Death both released in 2015 had far superior cover stock).
As of this writing, 15 copies have been graded, with 7 copies graded at 9.8. There numbers are likely due to improved pre-screens by CGC customers and also as offered by CGC itself; in addition to low availability of this book to begin with.
Sales (currently) tend to be around $300 for CGC/CBCS 9.8 (of the known private sales).
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