
Denis Villeneuve is one of the most talented directors working today and has put out hit after hit. Even if this is only the second…

The Flash 3.05 “Monster”

Spoiler Warning! It seems like everybody’s talking about AT-ATs these days. Marvel’s massive hit Captain America: Civil War featured a Spider-Man quip where Team Iron…

Doctor Strange

There are not enough risks taken in terms of the story to make it truly stand out from the wide selection of superhero movies out there already.

The Flash 3.03 “Magenta”

Warning! Spoilers! Despite the mostly wasted potential of “Flashpoint”, it didn’t take long for The Flash to return to its basic ‘metahumans of the week’…

The Flash 3.02 “Paradox”

Spoiler Warning!  This week’s episode of The Flash puts Barry into the alternate timeline created by his successful attempt to stop his past-self from saving…

Arrow 5.01 “Legacy”

 Major Spoiler Warning! It’s safe to say that Arrow hasn’t been exactly great these last couple of seasons. Despite fairly solid starts, both Seasons Three…