Catwoman #2

By Joëlle Jones, Laura Allred, Josh Reed Catwoman #2 continues this first arc, Copycats, with Joëlle Jones in charge of script, pencils, and inks, Laura…

Plastic Man #3

By Gail Simone, Adriana Melo, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Simon Bowland Plastic Man #3, Under Cover of Darkness, is extremely disappointing in that this means there are…

Preview: Hawkman #3

HAWKMAN #3 While searching for the next puzzle piece in his mission to save the universe, Hawkman takes flight and winds up fighting rampaging thunder…

Preview: Eternity Girl #6

ETERNITY GIRL #6 This issue: everyone will die. FINAL ISSUE Art by: Sonny Liew Cover by: Sonny Liew Written by: Magdalene Visaggio Series: ETERNITY GIRL 2018 U.S. Price: 3.99 On…

Batman #52

By Tom King, Lee Weeks, Elizabeth Breitweiser, Clayton Cowles Batman #52 is the second issue in the the Cold Days arc. So far, this run…