Future Imperfect #1

by Peter David, Greg Land and Nolan Woodard The Maestro is one of those characters that have left a lasting impression and, frankly, whenever Marvel…

Superior Iron Man #1

By Tom Taylor, Yildiray Cinar & Guru-eFX Superior Iron Man is one of the three new Marvel series released last Wednesday alongside All-New Captain America…

Avengers #29

By Jonathan Hickman, Leinil Francis Yu, Gerry Alanguilan & Sonny Gho Similar to the Incursion storyline, both Avengers titles are intersecting as of lately. So…

Avengers #28

By Jonathan Hickman, Salvador Larroca & Frank Martin Like an emerging  planet on a collision course with Earth 616, the two flagship Avengers books written…

Iron Man #24

By Kieron Gillen, Luke Ross & Guru eFX The Rings of the Mandarin continues with the second chapter in this entertaining but flawed Iron Man…