Preview: Supergirl #20

SUPERGIRL #20 Supergirl must fight both Mokkari and the out-of-dimension Viking Judge to save Director Bones from the fury of the Viking’s magical ax! Meanwhile,…

Supergirl #12

By Steve Orlando, Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, and  Michael Atiyeh Supergirl #12 is the first issue that kicks off “The Girl of No Tomorrow”, pitting Supergirl against…

Supergirl #8

By Steve Orlando, Matias Bergara, Michael Atiyeh and Steve Wands It’s time that the truth come out between Supergirl and Superman. In what looks like…

Arrow Season 4 Review!

MAJOR SPOILERS!  There was a time when Arrow was the greatest comic book show on television. It was smart, suspenseful and actually pretty good, with…