Welcome back to Best of... where the All-Comic Crew vote on the best of any given topic we decide on for that week. It’s fun, it starts arguments, people die and we get a great list that we get to share with all of you. Without further adieu let’s get to it.

Everybody knows that good things come in three, right? Well, for this installment of Best of… we’re going to look at the top three books from Image Comics from the last three years. Before we get into that list, however, let’s talk about the ones that just didn’t quite have enough votes but most certainly demand your attention.

Honorable Mention (2 Votes):


Planetoid was a 5-issue mini-series from Ken Garing back in 2012. Following main character Silas who has been stranded on a mysterious planetoid run by crazed robots and cyborgs. It has lasers, space, planets, junk, giant robot lizard-things, and so much more. It’s a story you can go back to time and time again. Plus, did I mention that Ken Garing pretty much did everything himself? One man show. Check out the first trade here.

“…shocked me how good this book was.” – Ian

“…pure science fiction but it overflows with heart and emotion.” – Hansel

East of West

East of West is something else. From the minds of Jonathan Hickman and Nick Dragotta, it’s one of those books you really can’t describe to just any random person. Hell, you can’t even explain Hickman to most people. It’s a series that should be checked out, if nothing else just for how insane it is. The Hickman/Dragotta team show no signs of slowing down, so grab the first trade and strap yourself in. Check that trade out here.

“An alternative-world, futuristic space-western, how can that go wrong?” – Ian

“An exciting world full of everything a sci-fi western could need: romance, cowboys, war, and lots of bloodshed.” – Connor

The Walking Dead

Oh, The Walking Dead. You redefined Image Comics, TV Shows, maybe comics, too. This is some next level sh*t, yo–sorry about that. You have a lot of catching up to do if you haven’t read this. Go and read and absorb until you can’t sleep for fear of zombies and crazy men with eye patches, or a baseball bat he’s affectionately named. Check out the series here.

“Kirkman and Adlard are on another level” – Tyler

“The Walking Dead has been going strong for years and has no sign of slowing down.” – Jacob


Lazarus is still fairly new, but it seems to have struck a cord with audiences. Great story, great art but two top tier creators. I’m not really sure how you can go wrong with that formula. Oh, and add in a bad ass chick with a sword–not to be confused with the series right above this one–and you’ve got yourself a winner. Check out the first trade here.

“…shows a lot of promise.” – Jacob

“Very powerful” – Nicole


And now, the list!


3rd Place Tie (3 Votes): Rat Queens

Rat Queens is brand new, and the only series so far that has gotten 5-star reviews back-to-back. No, really. It’s two issues in, and people can’t get enough–that means let’s make this bi-weekly Kurtis and Roc. This series has badass, foul mouthed ladies, for lack of a better term, who kick ass and ask questions later. Also, they argue and eat candy. It’s all still so new. But, hey, that means you can get in on this one early. Go to your shop and demand Rat Queens! Also, check out issue 1 here.

“This is what I like to imagine goes on with my RPG characters when I’m not playing”- Derek

“…absolutely perfect.” – Joey

“…easily one of my favorite comic books ever written.” – Nicole



Chew is just plain original. It’s original and fun and honestly I’m only one trade in but, man, that trade was good. Over 35 issues and still going strong. John Layman and Rob Guillory have something really special here.  It also is about to come out in a very, very tasty–see what I did there?–looking, massive hardcover collection. You can feast your eyes–I’m on fire–right here.

“Easily, this is one of the most interesting and unique series currently running.” – Dan

“…inventive,  zany, and just plain out there. Poyo!”- Robert

“…equal parts tragedy, comedy and mystery.” – Hansel

dec2013-chew-40-web-722nd Place (6 Votes): The Manhattan Projects

The Almighty Hickman makes his second appearance on our list with a series that, believe it or not, is even more insane than East of West. The Manhattan Projects takes real life characters, and puts them in a world where anything goes. Aliens, drunken, violent Einstein, cannibal Oppenheimer, cyborgs, space dogs, SCIENCE and so much more that I can’t physically put it all in this little blurb. I’d be here all day. If you’re not knowin’ ’bout this series, I’m lettin’ you know. There are three, count ’em, three trades out now. You can buy all of them and enjoy a marathon of Manhattan goodness. Easily one of the best, arguably the best. Check out the series here.

“…magnificent adventure as fresh as the series’ first.” – Dan

“…incredibly unique.” – Joey

“Hickman at his best… one of the best comics on the shelves.” – Tyler

“…weird and zany. But that’s what makes it so fun!” – Connor

“Oh and Oppenheimer is cannibal, did I mention that?” – Erik

“This is the comic for laughs, science and brutal vivisection!” – Hansel


1st Place (9 Votes): Saga

Okay. Let’s be honest. Everybody expected this. Saga is just… one of those series, man. It’s unlike anything out there. It’s most certainly not for kids, or your daddy, and it stands out above the rest. Brian Vaughn and Fiona Staples are on another level. Seriously. There are pages that make you laugh, cry, give you nightmares–I’m talking to you, giant cyclops balls–and shock you, and more. This book creates feelings in the reader that should never be spoken of again. I assume you’re already reading this, so I’ll just leave this here for the one or two that aren’t.

“Stunning and consistent read that has been one of the best series on the shelf today.” – Ian

“Why?  It’s Saga.  If you aren’t reading this, you are certifiably insane.” – Derek

“Character driven. Great writing and great art too.” – Jeremy

“Perfect dialogue, wildly interesting and unique scenarios and creatures, and a beautiful story.” – Joey

“What can you say about Saga that people haven’t said before?” – Tyler

“Saga is simply a beautiful story told and illustrated extremely well.” – Nicole

“…sci-fi romp through love and war.” – Connor

“Everyone loves Saga.” – Erik

“It’s Saga. …most imaginative, funny, violent, and overall fun book on the stands now.” – Jacob


About The Author Tyler

Owner/founder and editor-in-chief of MangaMavericks.com (formerly All-Comic.com) with an insatiable manga/anime addiction

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