By Mark Waid, Neil Edwards, Roberto Castro, Luigi Anderson, & Mauricio Wallace

The Doctor Spektor presented here is very different from the one we were introduced to, in style, pacing, and tone, but more importantly because of so many new, and strange subplots that have created a complete 180 degree shift from what was originally produced. Adam Spektor is a TV icon who battles monsters and “fictional” creatures, only what the audience doesn’t know is that these creatures are real. This was the basis of the series from the origin, but from what has been introduced last month and in this issue, everything has exploded and grown more complex. That beginning story that seemed so grounded is now gone, and it doesn’t quite improve the quality of the book as perhaps the creator intended.

Confusion ensues as too much is introduced too soon; alternate realities, robot hunters, describing what is perceived as real and what isn’t? (Just to name a few). A few questions were answered, like finding out the truth about Lenny’s mysterious return after his supposed death, but these were only accompanied with even more questions. Supporting characters and complex new subplots created too much too soon.

The art was certainly the best part about this issue. With a lot of artists coming together the culmination could have created disaster but instead created a great look that has been successful so far. Like the previous issues have shown, the art is simple and conveys a classic example of comic book art. The colors are what create depth and perspective and even though the shading too is simple, it’s easy on the yes and blends perfectly with the base art.

Doctor Spektor #3 wasn’t terrible, and it was interesting despite its many flaws concerning what should have been included and what should have been left out. New information and new dangers complicate what could have been a grounded, simple story. “Less is more” and hopefully Waid and company realize this in the coming installments.


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