By Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino & Marcelo Maiolo

Man, does this book just keep getting better and better. Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino are completely changing the landscape of the Green Arrow series, and all for the better. Issue #27 marks a high point in their run filled with high points.

The problem with the Green Arrow series in the past was his weak list of villains and supporting cast. Lemire has turned Ollie’s mythos on its head and added great characters, both supporting and villains, for the hero to interact with.

Seeing Oliver snap in his origin story and become something he didn’t want to be, but had to to survive, is brutal and a bit heartbreaking. Then there is that ending. There won’t be any spoilers here but the ending to this issue has me more excited for the issues to come than I usually am

Sorrentino was able to stretch his action muscles in this month’s issue. Green Arrow and Shado’s arrow-slinging battle against the Shield clan was epic. Sorrentino’s continued use of the small focus panels continue to work, especially for a character like Green Arrow who relies on focus and precision to fight and survive.

Seeing Oliver and Shado fight back to back was a highlight of the issue. Sorrentino draws the whole fight deftly, using both standard and trick arrows creatively in each panel. This issue has some of the most action in the series thus far and it looks gorgeous.

Marcelo Maiolo colors another great issue. The slight differences in color for the flashbacks are a nice touch. His colorings for the flashback scene when Oliver snaps looks great. Deep reds show Oliver’s anger, and his actions after are colored just as violently.

With an ending like the one in this issue, it is clear that Lemire and Sorrentino are taking the character in an interesting new direction. With all the new characters, both good and bad, as well as the arrow-slinging action, Lemire and Sorrentino’s Green Arrow run is what fans of the character deserve.


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