By Skottie Young, Jean-Francois Beaulieu

“I am Groot.”

“That’s a low blow, Groot. Even for you.”

This week we’re once again treated to another issue of Skottie Young’s and Jean-Francoius Bealieu’s take on the smallest member of the Guardians of the Galaxy in Rocket Raccoon #3. The artwork and the story are both working hard in this issue as Young continues a strong tale centered on the (don’t call him a raccoon!) being known as Rocket.

Taking place right where issue #2 left off, we have rocket in a ship with Macho Gomez and his faithful companion Groot as his ex-girlfriends try their best to ruin his day/life (highly relatable, am I right?). Young’s take on Rocket is like a hardboiled character with even more of an edge, kind of like Marlowe mixed with Wolverine (The Big Sleep = great movie/book, watch it/read it).  He’s cocky when he knows Groot has his back, but also when it’s just him by his lonesome. No matter the foe, Rocket doesn’t even give the situation thought, he’s there and he’s ready.

Artwork is done by Young with Bealieu as the colorist. The images are fun and creative, and the colors intertwine perfectly. The opening scene in space is zany and packed with color, with a bright purple deep space in the background and the various colors of the ships – both flying and exploding. A great page shows the odd looking ship Rocket rides atop of on the first panel as his ex’s send a missile of love and gratitude hurly towards him that adorably says “DIE ROCKET” on the side. The middle panel between these two scenes is a lime green one featuring Macho Gomez captaining the ship and works well to divide the two bright purple colored scenes in space.

This series is fun, funny, energetic, and $#%^@# Awesome! If you haven’t picked it up yet you should consider grabbing it next time you visit the shop. Tell the cashier you heard it was an awesome story on


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