by Tony Bedard, Emanuela Lupacchino, Yildiray Cinar, Diogenes Neves, Ray McCarthy & Marc Deering

Times have been tough for Kara. She crash lands on Earth in her teenage formative years, without a family to help her make sense of her new home. She was deceived and manipulated during the events of the H’el on Earth storyline. It’s tough enough being a teenager, adding being a teenager on a foreign planet with trust issues can cause a lot rage. Kara has been put through the ringer and she still  manages to keep calm and Supergirl on! In this story arc, Red Daughter of Krypton, Kara is provided with a supporting cast that can help her with her rage.

After two issues of clearing previous storyline threads, new series writer Tony Bedard has given Kara a red ring and a direction. The credit page states that this issue is the second part of the Red Daughter of Krypton storyline. However, Supergirl’s tale at this point is deeply connected with the Red Lantern book. This works well, adds to the world-building and overall continuity. Reading just one of the titles may lead to some confusion and overall enjoyment of the issue  on it’s own merit.

Issue #30 begins with Kara and her new teammates, Shallox and Zilius Zox, fighting to protect planet Grax from a Diasporan invasion. The Diasporan’s mission is rather unclear; they are on the planet to scatter the population amongst the galaxy in order to strengthen the citizens. There is a teaser of  the Diasporan’s mission at the end of the issue. For now, Supergirl is successful in fighting off the Diasporan and she receives praise from both the inhabitants and her teammates. Bedard’s dialogue during this sequence is well-written, some good banter between Kara, Shallox and Zox. Emanuela Lupacchino’s action sequences are clean and distinct without being overbearing. There are some really nice POV panels that allow the readers to get a glimpse of background action. The line work and action is simple and adds to the pace of the story. Lupacchino isn’t overcrowding the panels which helps the story flow.

The issue seems to lose momentum after the battle on Grax. There are a couple pages of foreshadowing then a shift in tone and art that was a bit jarring. In the middle of the story is a long recap of the last four or five issues. The panel placement and the art shifted from clear standard box panels to a murky liquid flow in an attempt to create a flashback  trippy sequence. On its own, Diogenes Neves’ work here is good and fits well with the content. The art succeeds in providing a backdrop to Supergirl’s recap of the trials and hurt she has endured thus far. Placed in the middle of the book, halfway through the story arc, it slows the flow and can possibly hinder the enjoyment of the issue for some readers already aware of all that transpired. On it’s own, this section has good story telling, just misplaced.

With a strong cast of supporting characters, a good addition to the Red Lanterns mythos, Bedard is very successful in incorporating his story arc with Charles Soules’ work in Red Lanterns. Supergirl may have found a home and a family to help her with teenage angst and rage. After all she’s been through since the beginning of the New 52, she definitely deserves it.


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