On this week’s episode of the Redshirt Obituary Podcast, Scott (a teacher) and Brooks (an Episcopalian priest who frequently works with children) watch the Star Trek Episode “Miri” and talk about what hell it can be being surrounded by children. The guys are also amazed at the way in which Captain Kirk disregards a lot of the training that you’re given when you work with kids, but at least he’s not a creep. Scott also reveals a fairly grim behind-the-scenes story about Grace Lee Whitney, the actress who played Yeoman Janice Rand. As always, the body count is totaled and, in an awkward moment due to the nature of this week’s episode, the Ladies Slain are tallied.

If you have any questions, comments, criticism, or praise to give to the guys, you can contact them at Redshirtobituaries@gmail.com. You can also go to Scott’s Tumblr and check out his comic reviews, blogs, and general asinine commentary. Thanks for listening, everyone!

About The Author Former Contributor

Former All-Comic.com Contributor

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