by Fred Van Lente, Clayton Henry

14 years ago Neela tries changing history 10 minutes from now. She is drinking with herself in the past now in the present. She finished 5 minutes ago. In 43 seconds she will be 11 years in the future.

Time IS absolute…

Neela is on a beach with a broken leg 15 years ago. She looks sexy, 14 years ago in a red bikini. She is bald 4 minutes ago, and wears green doctor scrubs and blond wig 19 seconds after she finishes her drink with herself 14 years ago. She is still drinking 17 seconds from now, and has lost all hope. Neela has high hopes that 14 years ago she will change history…

Time is NOT absolute…

IVAR, TIMEWALKER #4 was one of the very BEST reads in some time, and that is saying quite a bit. VALIANT has been on-top of their game for months, producing some of the best writing and art we have seen in years even.

This story focuses on Neela and her efforts to change what was, what is, and what will be. But she has been warned, and time, events, and reality appears to be quite set in place. For now. I will say that writer Fred Van Lente KNOWS how to tell a story. The pieces all come together as we read from cover to cover.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again; Clayton Henry’s pencil and ink are some of the cleanest in the industry, and you really feel as if you are reading comic book greatness. It is because you ARE. Brian Reber (basically the man who colors the VALIANT universe…) is ever on point with his magic brush.

If you don’t enjoy this book, then you might not enjoy comics. 100% awesome, enjoyable, entertaining, and fun. Everything a comic should be and more.


Originally from

About The Author Former Contributor

Former Contributor

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  • I’m sad to say that I haven’t read any of the Ivar standalone issues :s with cash being short, I always kept buying the stories I was familiar with and loved (Bloodshot, Q&W, A&A, Ninjak etc). But I think eventually I’ll pick it up.

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