Andy Liegl gets the panel started

Saturday, June 24th was the opening of ID10TFest and Valiant Entertainment kicked off the comic book panels at 1:00pm. Hosted by Andy Liegl, the VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT: X-O MANOWAR AND BEYOND panel was a great look at where the Valiant line stands today and served to bring those who maybe haven’t given the publisher a shot yet (those beautiful fools!) up to date with backstories. Liegl was an enthusiastic and smooth operator as he moved through the slides, engaging with the audience throughout. There weren’t any big announcements, but getting a refresher course (for some) on what’s coming up and why what’s come before was important still made for a great panel. The audience was also treated to the Ninjak vs. The Valiant Universe trailer which Liegl reminded everyone the motivation behind its production was an in-house love of the characters and a spirited way to just have fun. Plus, there were giveaways! Always looking to grow their audience, Liegl asked members of the audience who were new to Valiant questions about what was presented and rewarded them with trades and merch. We live-tweeted it and have embedded those tweets below if you want to live vicariously, but by far the best part of the panel was Liegl asking an audience member who hadn’t read Valiant before what title sounded the most interesting. With a steely confidence, the woman shouted, “Faith!!!” Damn straight.

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