By Benjamin Percy, Bazaldua and GURU-eFX

Of all the current x-books on the rack currently, X-Force has been the darkest and most violent. I wouldn’t expect anything less from this book, usually X-Force is the kill squad or extreme team that has to do the things the normal X-Men team won’t do. As we move into the 11th issue, and a prelude to X of Swords, things start to take shape and we begin to see how certain characters get pulled into the fray for the big crossover.

Benjamin Percy is at the helm of this book, and he’s done a pretty decent job. This issue we again focus on invaders of Krakoa. I like the invasion storyline. This is now the second time Krakoa has been invaded, and it’s a real world problem for some countries. Percy continues to flesh out Domino, she’s been one of the standouts in this series. We see Domino take charge and try to get the appropriate help to stop the invasion. Percy shines this issue when writing Colossus and Domino. He plays on their past relationship in Cable and X-Force, and shows that they have a good rapport. Percy uses Colossus as the reluctant hero. He is past the point of fighting and just wants to farm like the old days. When things get too bad, Colossus has to step up and do what is right. If I have a gripe or two with this issue, it’s that mutants are constantly dying. This cheapens the deaths when they actually happen and need to make an impact. One other minor gripe is that the cover has nothing to do with the actual issue. I was pretty excited to read about Omega Red, and he wasn’t in the issue at all. Those two gripes aside, this was a pretty good issue and I liked seeing Colossus in action again.

The pencils this issue are handled by Bazaldua with colors by GURU-eFX. Bazaldua does a very good job of drawing the issue. The creatures that are attacking Krakoa look great and creepy. The way they hatch reminds me of Alien. The violence on the page looks good too. A panel where a mutant gets their throat slashed looks cool and is drawn perfectly. The colors by GURU-eFX are perfect as usual. He captures the tone of the book well, and uses his moody colors at all the right places. At the beginning of the book, as a creature is being examined, GURU-eFX uses a dark color palette. When we visit Colossus farming, the sun is shining and there is gorgeous looking green everywhere. The colors are amazing this issue.

X-Force #11 gets the series on the right track. Benjamin Percy is doing a fine job writing this series and making it interesting. The colors and pencils rock this issue. X-Force is back on track and taking no prisoners this issue.

8.0 10


X-Force #11

X-Force is back on track and taking no prisoners this issue.

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About The Author Jeremy Matcho

Jeremy Matcho is an employee of Amcom/ Xerox. He was born on the hard streets in Guam, and once met George Wendt at a local Jamesway department store. He was first exposed to comics at the tender age of 9, picking up X-Men #1. His favorite character then, and to this day is Cyclops. While he has been a Marvel fan for 20 years, DC is steadily becoming heavy competition. He also is the proud owner of a 2002 ford escort.

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