By Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Dan Jurgens, Keith Giffen, Scot Eaton, Drew Geraci, Dan Green, Hi-Fi

“I know how important this is – And you’re about to destroy everything.”

Some friendly faces, some scary faces, and a face behind a mask – mysteries are revealed to the public while others stir up more excitement with the readers in this week’s issue of Futures End.

Remember Dr. Raymond Palmer (The Atom), you know the guy I’m talking about, the one that’s been absent for the past few issues, yeah well anyway, he’s back! Brian Azzarello and his fellow writers do a good job to reintroduce him to the story and give some quick insight into the state of his “team” (Frankenstein, Hawkman, Amtheyst) as his role in the story is elevated in an exciting way.

A topic Azzarello has been playing with a lot lately has been the mysteries surrounding Superman. This issue takes some time to deal with Lois Lane’s take on the whole situation and whether or not she will reveal her findings to the public. In this instance we’re reminded that “The world needs a Superman” and what it means for him to have a presence on earth and be seen by the public.

On art this week is Scot Eaton with the pencils, Drew Geraci and Dan Green both working the inks, and Hi-Fi once again providing the colors. Eaton’s take on Batman (McGinnis version) is a bit bulkier than we’ve seen in previous issues, appearing more to the body type the average Bruce Wayne Batman would have. Other than that small difference he stays pretty strict to the style we’ve been seeing consistently from week to week. A great scene he creates featuring his bulkier Batman is one from the break-in (it’s finally happening!). Batman has gassed everyone and is leaping around in the dark as he sets out on his task. The gas lofts in the background of the panels as the darkness of the room creates a purple tint on the panels. Hi-Fi colors Batman’s eyes bright red as he’s maneuvering around in the dark. This scene fits well to the classic Batman detective style, where he’s using darkness and stealth instead of his fists in order to complete a task.

This week brought us some anticipated scenes as well as made fresh some older narratives. Deathstroke getting some answers of his own, and the reminder of what Superman means to everyone creates a strong read this week.


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