by Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley, and John Rauch

The Beauty has been an interesting story from the very beginning. Now into its fifth issue, the book’s momentum has pressed on from last issue and the stakes are only getting bigger. Now partnered with the Deputy Director of the C.D.C., this small group is trying to save mankind. This issue raises a number of questions along the way while featuring some absolutely terrifying imagery.

The opening sequence of The Beauty #5 is harrowing and so affecting that readers may find themselves revisiting it. The implications are there, though they are quite subtle at first. The script from Haun and Hurley strikes just the right balance, not being too overt, but leaving readers just enough to make the scene even more impactful. Haun’s decisions to keep some pieces off-screen, and the items filling the setting all add up to make a remarkable moment for the book. While the sequence does not have much to do with the main plot or leads of the story, it showcases the talents of the writers and gives a bit of insight to the universe at large.

At other points in the series, this chapter included, the creators imply more than they show or deliberately say on the page, creating much more unsettling sequences. Here, readers are treated to another horrifying side plot with Mr. Calaveras. Still remaining in the shadows, the creators have crafted a villain that is definitely terrifying. Though the characters are focused on the disease and concerned with what will happen to them if they are discovered, the threat of Mr. Calaveras seems far more haunting than anything else in the series. The script for this b-plot, and the imagery from Haun and John Rauch, undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

A large portion of the main story takes place through conversations amongst the leads. Foster and Kara work with others around them to look for a develop a cure in hopes of putting an end to the disease. Unfortunately, the urgency of their circumstances require more drastic avenues to finding a workable cure. But, the most intriguing element of the story takes place as Lundy debates whether or not it is acceptable to distribute this cure to the public without anyone’s consent. The questions of ethics and their implications are rather interesting when considering all who may be affected, and how this cure will be perceived. The scene does not last all too long, but the creators craft the sequence in such a way that readers may be debating which avenue is truly acceptable long after the issue is finished.

With a wonderful final page, and the threats lurking in the shadows, The Beauty continues to be a strong series.


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