Deadly Class #15

Deadly Class delivers brilliant material. Remender truly knows how voice teenagers and their problems and the art team delivers an impressively stylized 1988, but never loses sight of the reality of the characters and their conflicts.


There really isn’t anything inherently bad in Ant-Man, sure there are some cliché moments, but the ride is so enjoyable it doesn’t matter. This is by no means the best Marvel Studios film, but it definitely is not the worst.

Starve #2

By Brian Wood, Danijel Zezelj & Dave Stewart Gavin Cruikshank is now neck-deep in the dark decadence that is the hit show, Starve. His rival Roman…

Star Trek / Green Lantern #1

By Mike Johnson, Angel Hernandez & Alejandro Sanchez The minute this title was released in the solicits, my imagination was peaked. This is definitely a…