Catwoman #1

By Joëlle Jones, Laura Allred, Josh Reed Catwoman #1 spirals out of the events of Batman #50 and the wedding, but writer and artist Joëlle…

Preview: Justice League #3

JUSTICE LEAGUE #3 John Stewart: Ultraviolet Lantern? Believe it! Under the influence of the Ultraviolet Spectrum, John Stewart engages in some ultraviolence against his teammates…

Preview: Catwoman #1

CATWOMAN #1 The wedding night’s barely over, but Catwoman’s back on the streets, this time to expose a copycat who’s pulling heists around Gotham City….

2000ad Prog 2087

Judge Dredd “Integration” by Rory McConville, Dave Taylor and Annie Parkhouse Dredd goes police procedural again this week in a tightly wound one-off. McConville shows…