Ghosted #8

By Joshua Williamson, David Gianfelice and Miroslav Mrva This month in Ghosted we are treated to Jackson having been captured and how he plans to…

All-New X-Men #24

By Brian Michael Bendis, Stuart Immonen & Wade Von Grawbadger This issue of All-New X-Men marks the fifth part of the Trial of Jean Grey…

X-Force #2

By Simon Spurrier & Rock-He Kim This is the newest incarnation of X-force to hit the stands in the past couple of years. Cable has…

Uncanny X-Men #18

By Brian Michael Bendis, Marco Rudy and Val Staples Based solely on the cover, I have been waiting for this issue to come out for…

Superman #28

By Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth & Norm Rapmund Superman #28 sheds some more light on some of the mysteries revolving around this title, but not…