All New X-Men Special

By Mike Costa, Kris Anka, & Jordie Bellaire The All New X-Men must be pretty special, because they are currently involved in two separate cross-overs…

Uncanny X-Men #12

By Brian Michael Bendis, Chris Bachalo, & Marte Garcia Battle of the Atom continues in Uncanny X-Men #12 with chapter 4. The crossover pits the…

Superman #23.3

By Scott Lobdell, Dan Jurgens, Ray Mccarthy, and HI-FI This week in villains month DC gives H’EL a solo in Superman. H’EL was recently created…

Harbinger #16

Harbinger is a series that continues to take chances and throw curve balls. This truly is the premier book in the Valiant arsenal, and should be recommended to anybody who is a fan of great characters and great story telling.

Batman: The Dark Knight #23.2: Mr. Freeze

The bat titles have been some of the more popular issues from the villains month rolodex, but Mr. Freeze is the issue to beat so far. A good story combined with excellent art is what the bat books are all about. This is an issue that deserves reading.

Superman #23.2: Brainiac

As week two of villains month winds down it seems like the stories are getting better. This issue was good at tying up loose ends in the current storyline for the series, and was reader friendly too.