Symbiote Spider-Man #1

By Peter David, Greg Land, Iban Coello, Jay Leisten and Frank D’Armata Through the years, Peter Parker has had many different costumes. The original Blue…

Champions #4

By Jim Zub, Steven Cummings, Marcio Menyz and Clayton Cowles Champions #4 continues to hit home with its emotional character study of Miles Morales, finding…

Major X #1

By Rob Liefeld and Romulo Fajardo Jr. Disney has acquired the rights to the X-Men films from Fox, so we all know what that means….

Amazing Spider-Man #18

By Nick Spencer, Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazba, Edgar Delgado and Erick Arciniega There is a tone that each Spider-Man writer takes when he gets on…

Ironheart #4

By Eve L. Ewing, Luciano Vecchio & Matt Milla Ironheart #4 delves deeper into its mystery with a compelling narrative that doesn’t forget why this…

Uncanny X-Men #14

By Matthew Rosenberg, Salvador Larroca and GURU-eFX When you pick up an issue of Matthew Rosenberg’s Uncanny X-Men, it feels like you’re reading something classic….

X-Force #4

By Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett and Jesus Aburtov With issue #4, X-Force wraps up it’s first story arc. While the team looks like the crew…

Uncanny X-Men #13

By Matthew Rosenberg, Salvador Larocca and Guru eFX The world believes that there are no more mutants. One day they just vanished, and frankly, the…

X-Tremists #1

By Leah Williams, Georges Jeanty, Roberto Poggi and Jim Charalampidis Age Of X-Man is about halfway through their first issues of the event currently taking…