Star Wars: Shattered Empire #1

The most baffling thing about Shattered Empire is that there really doesn’t seem to be a good reason to read it. Despite the Star Wars: Force Awakens banner overhead there’s really nothing in the comic that has anything to do with Force Awakens.

Renew Your Vows #5

While it’s hard to tell whether the cruelty of the story was intentional or just an unfortunate accident, what is clear is they didn’t care, nobody cared and it shows.

Giant-Size Little Marvel: AvX #4

Giant-Size Little Marvel: AvX is every bit as fantastic as the Oz series Skottie was a part of, as well as the issues of Rocket Raccoon he did with Jean-Francois Beaulieu. Both are incredibly talented comic creators.

Age of Apocalypse #3

It would help if the characters weren’t exaggerated, but we’re 3 issues in now and that won’t change. If you can get past that, it’s worth a read because many of your favorite characters are well represented.

X-Men ’92 #3

This is a book for people who loved 90’s X-Men and it’s a great opportunity to go back with a fresh story.

X-Tinction Agenda #3

As we wind down on this series, fans of the original and people who haven’t read it, should be able to enjoy what Guggenheim and company have accomplished.