Data provided by Martin Ferretti, Greg Holland, and Bloodshot is a well-known and highly recognizable series that first launched in 1993 by (then) Valiant Comics. The…
Thirty years from today, the Valiant Universe has fallen…and “THE ANALOG MAN” must rise! Valiant is proud to present your first fully lettered look inside…
“THE ANALOG MAN” is coming…and you’ve never seen Bloodshot like this before! This February, the eye-popping comics event of the New Year thunders on as…
Plus: Experience Lewis LaRosa’s Explosive Artwork with the First Lettered Preview of BLOODSHOT REBORN #10! Valiant is proud to announce that all issues of “THE…
Valiant is proud to announce the launch of the all-new official Valiant Entertainment Instagram, beginning today with a day-long showcase of artwork for Valiant’s biggest…