This was a rushed, overstuffed chapter, featuring many good ideas ruined by unsatisfying execution. There’s not a whole lot to look forward to with the DiMaria fight now that the focus has shifted to a character with a problematic history in the story, and features a villain who is less believable as a threat than even the least credible villains in Dragon Ball Z.
It’s refreshing to see a pair of female characters, both love interests of main male characters, who can kick butt and hold their own as well. It’ll be exciting to see just how far they’ll get in this tournament, and I can’t wait to see how the other teams fare in the coming chapters.
This was a funny and cute epilogue to a well done arc, adding a strongly written new character to the permanent roster, as well as giving us some downtime with the club that we haven’t gotten in a while.
This was an action-heavy chapter, not a content-heavy one, but it showed off Nakaba’s chops for action in a spectacular fashion, and commemorated the reunion of Ban and Meliodas very nicely.
While this arc didn’t explore the subject as thoroughly as, say, A Silent Voice, this was still a perfectly believable story, with a great message behind it, and was overall satisfying end to the Hikaru/Hotaru bullying subplot.
All in all, this was a pretty enjoyable chapter, with a nice balance of humor, plot development, and payoffs on longstanding character arcs and relationships.