Dream Thief #5

by Jai Nitz & Greg Smallwood A common problem that pops up in the comic industry is sometimes stories are cut off too early before…

The Spider #14

This issue was a little slow but there were a few reveals that were very intriguing, especially when Richard discovers his father’s secret buried deep underneath Wentworth Industries.

Astro City #4

This issue was probably the best one of the latest run and that says something because the last 2 issues were a very strong arc as well.

Hit! #1

Sometimes you just need a meat-and-potatoes detective pulp story to just immerse yourself into, and Hit! is perfect for that.

Sheltered #3

Sheltered has really had a remarkable start and the cliffhanger this issue ends which assures us next issue things will get interesting. Christmas and Chankahamma make a great artistic duo and when you throw in an engaging story with well developed characters from Brisson and you really have an engaging series.