By Mark Waid and Chris Samnee

Has there been a bad issue of Waid’s Daredevil? How about a mediocre one? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Other than Saga, there isn’t a book on the shelves that’s been so consistently awesome. This is modern superhero storytelling done right and everything DC/Marvel creators should strive to be. That’s why it’s so hard to accept that this series is actually ending. There is sure to be another Daredevil title, but will it be as incredible as this? It’s certainly a tough act to follow.

Mark Waid continues to show us new and exciting ways to view Daredevil’s powers, as well as his weaknesses. Daredevil is a flawed person both physically and as a person. Other writers have done well with this part of the character, but Waid nails it every single month.

Murdock goes to Kentucky to search for somebody who can give him answers to The Sons of The Serpent and a magic book they may or may not have. While here, his blindness keeps him from understanding a particular situation and Matt ends up surrounded by a mob of angry rednecks, as well as monsters (just in time for Halloween too). His confusion and reaction to these monsters are priceless. He can sense things, like the Frankenstein monster smelling “dead” or the mummy reeking of formaldehyde and rotten linen, but he still doesn’t get the whole picture. It’s goofy circumstances to be in, but that’s part of this issue’s immense charm.

Chris Samnee’s artwork is quite striking in this issue. That should come as no shock, of course. Month after month, he turns in work that will sure to be classics. Daredevil and the band of monsters have a very Silver Age feel to them, and dare I say, a certain “Kirbyness.” That’s high praise that shouldn’t be just thrown around to anyone. However, Samnee totally deserves it.

Well, it’s another month and another fantastic issue of Daredevil. As a fan of both Halloween and classic movie monsters, this issue was particularly great. As Waid and Samnee start to wrap things up, fans will be both sad and pleased. We don’t want these guys to go, but you know they are going to send Daredevil off in style.


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