By Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato

Batman is still going strong in Detective Comics #32. He continues the hunt for the origin of “Icarus” while his “alter-ego” Bruce Wayne is still on edge with Detective Bullock.

Seeing Bullock at the forefront over the forgiving Gordon has been interesting. The involvement of Icarus linking directly to his past and how losing someone intertwines with the past of Batman is playing off nicely. Whereas Batman has been able to channel his loss, it seems this sudden return has put Bullock in a hard place, which makes for a bit of drama and a sense of urgency on Batman’s part.

Annette also casts a familiar shadow to Batman’s past, as a heartfelt moment is shared between the two in this issue (sometimes we forget Batman can be nice).

The artwork put together by the creative teamwork of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato has been astounding every issue, with this one as no exception. Each page is impressively put together, the panels play into one another, and the colors are always complimenting each other. A standout scene is covered in a fuchsia sky blended with violet as we see Batman dawn his cowl before leaping from a church steeple.

With both Manapul and Buccellato on storytelling we’re given a story with a lot of different pieces fitting together. The storyline of Icarus has, thus far, been compelling and leaves Gotham open for even more trouble. If you’re looking to jump in, this is only part three so grab onto issues #30 and #31 along with this next time you’re in your local comic shop (and bask in all its glory).


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