By Rick Remender, Greg Tocchini

Tarms welt! Who’s that beauty?”

“My mother.”

“Suddenly very awkward.”

Writer Rick Remender returns to the depths in Low #5 as Stel and her son Marik continue their journey of survival and exploration. This time around we’re given a heroic look at Marik, who takes to being a gladiator at the hands of their captors. But luckily for him he’s since adopted his mother’s strong will to survive and stay positive – giving him an edge in the fights. But how long can he survive?

“Marik Caine!”

Marik has become somewhat famous due to his winning streak in the ring – fighting huge monsters and beating them tends to win people over. This issue gives us an up close look at such a fight, and in doing so gives us some more awesome Greg Tocchini artwork. As in previous issues, the color scheme is kept the same and the outlines of the characters are rather loose – or removed completely. Artwork in this series has been a huge part though as Tocchini is creating something unique while also packing on the colors and the details. An image from during the fight shows Marik bursting out through the gut of a huge beast – the pink/red insides spilling out into the light green/yellow water of the scene (think of it in an artsy way and not a gross way, okay?). The creature is a dark blue, almost black, and the whole scene really pops from the page due to Tocchini’s color choices.

Stel and Marik have found themselves in a grave situation, but hope is something that is now driving them both. And what of Stel’s daughters? Will she be able to reconnect with her daughter Tajo? One can only…hope.


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Former Contributor

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