By Alex Kot, Michael Walsh and Matthew Wilson
The new volume of Secret Avengers follows the trend of Hawkeye rip offs. Marvel has been putting these out by the bushel, hoping that lightning will strike twice. Or maybe even seven or eight. Don’t worry, though. This book still rocks.
If you’re going for humor, then you might as well roll with it. That’s exactly what Kot does. Every character is a ridiculous stereotype of their selves, especially MODOK. Let’s face it; MODOK working for SHIELD is pretty silly. Kot makes fun of the situation and the result is a MODOK straight out of Twisted ToyFare Theatre.
Nick Fury and Agent Coulson are hilarious. While facing certain death, they have a conversation that is too funny. It also has some vague homosexual undertones. Sorry, but that is just awesome. Black Nick Fury and Coulson have had an awkward time adjusting to the 616. The last volume of Secret Avengers rectified that and now Kot is working on endearing them. Mission accomplished.
The covers of Secret Avengers are awful, which is weird, considering how incredible Tradd Moore’s work on All-New Ghost Rider is. The interior art is where the party’s at. Michael Walsh’s work gives the series a Hawkeye vibe (shocking), while simultaneously complimenting the drama and humor. Michael Wilson’s colors add to the book’s sense of style with warm colors for the action and dark blacks and blues for the cold of space.
After two serious volumes of Secret Avengers, it’s actually a nice change up to laugh. Kot’s writing is clever and the book is visually appealing. Plus, we’re getting some reasons for certain characters to exist in the first place, which is always a good thing.
Michael Walsh is doing interiors and it’s Matt Wilson on colors. Other than those quibbles, I like your review.
I actually know that. I’m not sure how the wording got mixed up. Thank you for pointing it out, though. I strive to be as accurate as possible.