By Rick Remender and Daniel Acuna

As the starter of the original Marvel NOW! wave of comics, this issue is the culmination of so many things. For one, everything that happens has come full circle and is something that has been festering since Remender’s run on Uncanny X-Force. It’s just unfortunate that the ending of such a tremendous saga goes out a little flat.

The epic showdown between the forces of Kang and the Uncanny Avengers (with allies) is written and drawn well enough. Havok has been the heart and soul of this series, so it’s satisfying to see him win the day and finally get his due, even though the consequences of his decisions appear to be disastrous. It’s been fun to watch all of the Avengers/X-Men from different universes come together for and against each other. Heck, if Doom and Doom 2099 fighting together for the greater good isn’t the coolest thing ever, then I don’t know what is.

The problem with this issue is how things are wrapped up. It feels like a major letdown. Havok has Kang right where he wants him and The Conqueror takes a very cowardly way out. His escape doesn’t do anything for either character; it only serves as an easy way to write out of the conflict. Remender isn’t done and AXIS is coming soon, so there could be a reason for all of this. For now, it’s leaving all of us with feelings of disappointment.

Acuna has a style that has fit right in at the Uncanny Avengers funhouse. This issue is one of his best. His use of shadow and light works incredibly well, especially in the scenes with Havok and Kang. His depictions of outer space action is seriously second-to-none. Here at All-Comic, we love this guy.

Despite the letdown, this is still a very competent comic. Remender’s Marvel epic is far from over and things should be getting even more exciting very soon. If you were upset by this issue, I wouldn’t jump overboard just yet.


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