By Scott Synder, James Tynion IV, Tim Seeley, Ray Fawkes, Kyle Higgins, Juan Ferreyra

“A number of your enemies have been given nigh-unlimited resources to do whatever they want. They’ve used them to level up.”

Gotham slips more and more into chaos in this week’s Batman Eternal now that some of Bat’s biggest foes are getting brand new toys.

This week’s issue is scripted by Tim Seeley as he takes us through what goodies each villain has received – some a bit more deadly than others. With each villain admiring their new toys a different member of the Bat-family is also looking on. Red Hood checks out Bane, Red Robin surprises Clayface, Batwing tries to put a stop to Scarecrow, Bluebird spies on Mr. Freeze, and Batgirl has to visit an unpleasant location from her past…and declares that she’ll finally put the punch line in the (killing) joke.

On artwork this week is Juan Ferrerya and he does everything from the pencils to the inks to the colors – and the artwork is some of the best this series has seen (and this series has been loaded with impressive artists). Each panel is met with a glowing quality and given great amounts of detail. A panel featuring Batman in his jet flying just above the water is unreal. Lightning cracks in the background in the dark blue sky where you can see the brush strokes Ferrerya used. In the foreground is the jet with the bright yellow flames bursting out the back as the water kicks up beneath it from the speed during Batman’s desperate need to keep moving.  The panel below this one shows an x-ray view of the jet, as if someone sliced it in half, as Batman can be seen sitting inside as well as all the inner workings off the craft.

This week shows us Gotham just might not be a good place to visit any time soon – or ever really – unless you’re a vigilante, because then at least you’ll have plenty to keep you busy.

Something else this week did was showcase each and every one of the Bat-family and show them in some sort of action, this along with the fantastic artwork by Ferrerya makes this issue one of the best so far in the series – and one you certainly don’t want to miss!


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