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English Adaptation by Isabelle Huang

Design & Layout by Adam Grano

Given the current pandemic, overseas excursions aren’t exactly on peoples’ minds. Still, travel is an avid past-time for many, and it allows us to expand our world-view while learning about different cultures. That being said, one of the hardest parts of exploring a new place is figuring out where to go. Tokyo: Day by Day helps relieve this struggle, providing a comprehensive list of Tokyo’s attractions for every day of the year.

What makes Tokyo: Day by Day stand out as a guidebook is its calendar format. From January 1st to December 31st, the book provides a place for tourists to visit. This format isn’t arbitrary either, as it takes in account daily variety and seasonality. You can visit places like the Kiyose Sunflower Field in August and see the Marunouchi Illuminations in December. Every season has its own unique qualities, and Tokyo: Day by Day crafts the perfect plan for you to tackle it.

Tokyo: Day by Day also gives ample information to ensure tourists enjoy their trip. The detailed descriptions convey the unique qualities of each site and why people should visit them. The book also indicates the location, nearby train line, phone number, availability times, and closure periods for every attraction. It removes the hassle of readers having to find this information on their own, while also increasing the book’s value as a resource.

This book is also praiseworthy for its solid photography. Every image immediately sells you on the suggested location. The food looks mouth-watering and the sights are breath-taking. It emphasizes the wonders of exploring Tokyo, and urges you to visit these places in person.

Tokyo: Day by Day is a useful book that tells readers what Tokyo has to offer during every time of the year. It’s a great resource to help you plan out your travel plans and get the most enjoyment out of the city. We may be stuck inside for a while, but I’ll be sure to keep this book handy for whenever I can safely travel again.

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Tokyo: Day by Day

Tokyo: Day by Day is a useful book that tells readers what Tokyo has to offer during every time of the year.


About The Author Varun Gupta

Varun Gupta is a BI Engineer that works in the entertainment industry. Throughout his entire life, Varun has had an immense love of animation and comics. An obsessive manga collector, he spends his free time attempting to read through his massive backlog of series, hoping to one day finish them all. Will he succeed in his perilous quest? Probably not, but at least he’s having fun doing it!

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