Manga by Iruka Shiomiya Original Story by Keiichi Sigsawa Original Character Design by Kouhaku Kuroboshi Edited by Kristi Fernandez Translated by Jenny McKeon Production by…
(LOS ANGELES, Aug 3, 2020) – Seven Seas Entertainment is excited to announce the license acquisition of SUPER HXEROS by Ryoma Kitada, the hilarious manga…
Blue Flag is a wonderful coming-of-age story in which characters navigate the difficult mores of identity, relationships, love, sexuality, and the choices we make. In…
Story by Hidenori Kusaka Art by Mato Translated by Kaori Inoue Lettering by Wayne Truman Original Series Miscellaneous Text Adaptation by Ben Costa Original Series…
Manga by Yoshiyuki Miwa Original Story by Shinogi Kazanami Original Character Design by Makai no Jumin Original Book Design by ansyyqdesign Translated by Nathan Takase…
Last week, Kodansha USA announced plans to release all 35 volumes of Hiroyuki Takei’s Shaman King on July 28th, 2020. Unfortunately, fans will have to…