By Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenberg, Kelly Thompson, Mahmud Asrar & Rachelle Rosenberg Uncanny X-Men #1 sets up an intriguing mystery in a way that echoes…
By Leah Williams, Filipe Andrade, Chris O’Halloran & VC’s Clayton Cowles One of the greatest things about the What if? Marvel storylines is that creators…
By Scott Aukerman, Nick Bradshaw, Andre Lima Araujo, Guru-eFX, Zac Thompson, Lonnie Nadler, Geraldo Borges and Rachelle Rosenberg X-Men Black, which plays off the current…
By Donny Cates, Iban Coello & Andres Mossa The highly anticipated continuation of the acclaimed symbiote-centric comic returns with the “Oversight” arc. The aftershocks of…