Uncanny X-Men #18

By Matthew Rosenberg, Carlos Villa, Juan Vlasco, Craig Yeung and Guru-eFX If there is one thing you can say about Matthew Rosenberg’s run on Uncanny…

Champions #5

Five issues into Champions, it’s clear that the current run has all the confidence and quality of a series twice its length.

2000ad Villains Takeover Special

Villains takeover is a huge success. Every story is a winner and the Weston Ezquerra tribute would bring a tear to a glass eye. Add an extra point to the rating for only costing you 99p if you want.

Savage Avengers #1

By Gerry Duggan, Mike Deodato jr., and Frank Martin It’s not uncommon to see different factions of Avengers teams pop up here and there. We’re…


From the creators of Heavenly Blues, a blasphemous heist western comic with an outrageous cast, comes Gryffen. Ben Kahn and Bruno Hidalgo jump to sci-fi…

Thanos #1

By Tini Howard, Ariel Olivetti and Antonio Fabela Anyone who is into comic books or super hero movies knows that this week is a big…

2000ad Prog 2129

Judge Dredd “The Long Game” Part 4 by Michael Carroll, Mark Sexton, John Charles and Annie Parkhouse. So The Long Game started well. A slow-burning…