An Unforgettable Adventure Begins February 26th! Following the character’s triumphant reintroduction in the pages of Young Justice, the new Amethyst series from DC’s Wonder Comics follows teenager Amy…
“Invasion of the Supermen” begins with the Eradicator! A new era of Justice League starts with an unexpected arrival from the stars, bringing a dire warning:…
BOOM! Studios today revealed a first look at ALIENATED #1, the premiere issue of a new original series from acclaimed writer Simon Spurrier (John Constantine:…
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor Year 2 #1 (of 4) Writer: Jody Houser Artist: Roberta Ingranata Publisher: Titan Comics FC, 32pp, $3.99, On Sale: January 8, 2020…
Since the July release of They Called Us Enemy by actor, author, and activist George Takei, this heartfelt graphic memoir has been met with outstanding success and acclaim:…
Feast your eyes on stunning new artwork from X-O MANOWAR #1! Aric of Dacia, a 4th-century Visigoth warrior bonded with a powerful sentient alien armor,…
JUST BEYOND: THE HORROR AT HAPPY LANDINGS OGN SC *****ADVANCE SOLICITED FOR MAY 2020***** Publisher: KaBOOM!, an imprint of BOOM! Studios Retail Price: $9.99 Writer:…
Valiant Entertainment is teaming up with Blowfish Studios to develop a slate of all-new action-packed video games featuring the popular characters from Valiant’s Superhero Universe. This will mark…