Hoax Hunters #1

By Michael Moreci, Steve Seeley, Chris Dibari and Mike Spicer Heavy Metal makes their first foray into monthly single issue comics with Hoax Hunters #1…

Space Riders #1

by Alexis Ziritt, Fabian Rangel Jr. and Ryan Ferrier Well, that was an experience and a half. Not being one to pay much attention to…

2000 AD: Prog 1924

It can’t be expressed enough how well these progs are put together and the kind of material and creators that 2000 AD gets week in and week out for your enjoyment. There is so much to love here, it’s hard to pick out favorites or highlights, so maybe it’s best if you just go pick this up.

UFOlogy #1

by James Tynion IV, Noah J. Yuenkel, Matthew Fox & Adam Metcalfe BOOM! continues its streak of rolling out innovative new mini-series with the debut…

Effigy #3

By Tim Seeley, Marley Zarcone, Jesse Hamm, & Ryan Hill If there’s one thing this creative doesn’t shy away from in Effigy it’s the macabre…