0 Image/Top Cow, Reviews Lazarus #6 By Greg Rucka, Michael Lark & Santi Arcas The latest arc in Lazarus is very much a step in a different direction compared to the…
0 News, TV, TV/Movies Arrow S2x12 “Tremors” Arrow’s latest episode is another thrilling installment in the second season and although there are some weaker moments, Tremors on the whole is a pretty good episode -…
0 Marvel, Reviews Night of the Living Deadpool #2 By Cullen Bunn & Ramon Rosanas Zombies may feel like they’ve been a bit overdone lately, but this definitely isn’t the feeling I get when…
0 Image/Top Cow, News, Reviews Saga #18 By Brian K. Vaughn & Fiona Staples The creators of Saga have worked out a great system of releasing the book monthly for six issues…
0 Image/Top Cow, Reviews The Saviors #2 By James Robinson & J. Bone After the first issue of The Saviors, many people had mixed reactions to this tale of a small desert…
0 Image/Top Cow, Reviews Five Weapons #6 By Jimmie Robinson & Paul Little When the first arc of Five Weapons was published it was supposed to be just a mini-series and it…
0 News, TV, TV/Movies Arrow S2x11 “Blind Spot” There are Minor Spoilers in this review. So it’s the second week since the return of Arrow and much like the first half of Season Two, things…
0 Marvel, Reviews FF #16 By Matt Fraction, Lee Allred, Mike Allred & Laura Allred FF has been wonderful. Even when Fraction packed up and left, it still maintained a…
0 Image/Top Cow, Reviews Dead Body Road #2 By Justin Jordan, Matteo Scalera & Moreno DiNisio The first issue of Dead Body Road was good, not great but it was a pretty decent…
0 BOOM/Archaia, Reviews The Midas Flesh #2 by Ryan North, Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb The Midas Flesh is the first series to come from BOOM!’s newest imprint, BOOM! Box and its…