By Cullen Bunn, Dale Eaglesham & Jason Wright

Two issues in, and it’s easy to say that this creative team is doing a perfect take on a fan-favorite character. Sinestro has been startlingly amazing so far, and issue #2 more than lived up to the high expectations set by the first installment. For those of us who have been following the character for many years, this series feels like it’s been a very long time coming. DC had to eventually capitalize on such a popular figure, but this first series goes beyond what we had expected.

Sinestro #2 opens with a slightly confusing first page. This is clearly laying some groundwork for a future plot development, and it was still interesting and added a veil of mystery. It could be that these characters are the enemies Lyssa has prophesied, but we’ll have to wait and see at this point. However, the rest of the book picks right back up from last issue with an impressive and exciting battle between Sinestro himself and his former followers. The raw power the title character now demonstrates is truly astonishing to witness. There were some interesting surprises that will make fans very excited for the next installment in this series! Cullen Bunn also continues to demonstrate what an intriguing character Lyssa is and the importance she plays in this story.

It also needs to be noted that it’s wonderful to have somebody using Sinestro’s daughter, Green Lantern Soranik Natu, again after such an extended span of neglect. She was a great character in the Green Lantern Corps series prior to the New 52, who mostly fell off the radar after the reboot. Her role in Sinestro #2 added another great dimension to an already fantastic story, and we can only hope she’ll stick around with dear old dad for a while to come.

This story has been huge right from the beginning, incorporating a lot of very important and exciting developments for the series and the protagonist. In issue #2, one of these includes Sinestro engaging in the politics of his Corps and dealing with dissenters. He has also tasked himself and his followers with claiming a new home for the rescued Korugarians. The way that Sinestro deals with these two objectives in one fell swoop was excellent, and the new characters introduced so far are proving to be great additions to the Lantern world. The sheer aggression and Machiavellianism on display throughout this issue was phenomenal, and the creative team have a real masterpiece in the works. Despite the darker elements of the main character and his companions, Sinestro has now made it clear that they are meant to strive for justice, not petty revenge. This is a great turn for the series and has some wonderful potential for the future.

Dale Eaglesham equals Cullen Bunn with regard to the service done to this character. The paneling and overall design of Sinestro #2 was quite interesting and definitely enhanced the overall flow and pacing of this issue. Furthermore, every panel is terrifically illustrated with a great amount of attention to detail, and very creative action all around. The characters are also very creative and interesting with some pretty wild designs! This book had some really high quality visuals, and colorist Jason Wright certainly added to this. The overall appearance, while amazingly illustrated, had some jaw-dropping colors that enhanced the realism and detail of each image. The numerous scenes featuring space shots, high-technology, and especially yellow ring constructs were perfectly executed with very vibrant tones and a wonderful sense of depth.

As a whole, this was just a damn perfect book. While only two issues in, this series is probably one of the absolute best DC is currently publishing. There isn’t enough that can be said about what a top-notch job the creative team have done on this one, and we can already tell it’s going to be one heck of a ride. While the series will probably be intimidating for anybody not familiar with the long Lantern history masterminded by Geoff Johns, this is a comic book masterpiece that deserves your attention.


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