By Kyle Higgins, Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms, Ed Dukeshire, Steve Orlando, Corin Howell, Jeremy Lawson, Jim Campbell

It’s incredible how much Higgins, Prasetya and BOOM! have been able to do after only four issues. They have managed to create a rich world that is both part of a classic franchise and a separate place in its own right. This is easily the best iteration of MMPR in any form. This may sound like blasphemy to most “pure” fans, but those people are being bludgeoned to death by nostalgia. If you want this franchise at its absolute peak, this is it.

So far, the focus of the series has been on Tommy. This issue has quite a bit of plot and character progression, as we finally get some answers regarding Rita Repulsa’s connection to Tommy and how she’s able to have such a hold on him. Despite it being a bunch of sci-fi mumbo jumbo, it’s acceptable enough. Plus, it’s nice to have plot points fleshed out so well, which is something the television series rarely did. Higgin’s version of Tommy is an incredibly deep and complex character that deserves the spotlight that he’s getting.

Of course, other characters are developed as well including Goldar, a fan favorite villain, known for his strength, dedication and occasional slapstick humor. This version is currently imprisoned for his failures during the “Green Ranger Saga.” He appears to be committed to his punishment, even refusing food because Squatt and Baboo brought it to him out of their own compassion, not because of Rita’s orders. This may sound like a throwaway piece of story, but when you stop to examine it, that simple action speaks volumes about his sense of honor.

Hendry Prasetya is on absolute fire. That dude can do no wrong as with every issue, the art somehow improves. As issue three demonstrates, his best work is when he’s drawing the Zords. Prasetya keeps showing the Dragonzord in its natural habitat (water), which is a wonderful sight to behold, whereas the show would show the same stock footage of the Dragonzord emerging from water. There was never any context given beyond just a vague Godzilla homage. Prasetya’s artwork displays how the Zord operates. Combined with colorist Matt Herms, these underwater scenes are some of the most visually appealing panels in the entire series.

Rita’s Palace looks absolutely stunning, especially in this issue. Herms uses lots of dark greys and blues for the backgrounds, which gives it a very sterile and Moon-like feel. The palace is a combination of alien, industrial and medieval themes, a concoction that is something of a chore to successfully blend together. These guys don’t seem to have that problem.

Once again, there isn’t much to say about the backup story. It’s only three pages, but Steve Orlando’s charming take on Bulk and Skull manages to do a lot with so little. The pencils of Corin Howell and colors of Jeremy Lawson are a treat, using lots of bright colors to show off a lighter side to the heroism of the franchise.

It’s immensely satisfying to look at the monthly top-selling comics and see that Power Rangers is doing well. Great books deserve to be supported and this is a truly great book. The entire creative team is doing some of their best work. Get on board the Ranger train before you get left behind.

Power Rangers #3 cover

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