After choosing our favorite covers, issues, trades, writers, and artists, it’s time to crown our favorite series of 2014. Amy’s Favorite Series: Harbinger Consistently good…
Abigail and the Snowman #1 (of 4) Story: Roger Langridge Art: Roger Langridge Cover A: Roger Langridge Cover B: Sonny Liew Publisher: BOOM! Studios/KaBOOM! Publication…
All-New Miracleman Annual #1 Story: Gran Morrison & Peter Milligan Art: Joe Quesada & Mike Allred Cover A: Gabrielle Dell’otto Cover B: Joe Quesada Cover…
S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 Story: Mark Waid Art: Carlos Pacheco & Mariano Taibo Cover A: Julian Totino Tedesco Cover B: John Tyler Christopher Cover C: Mike Deodato…