Copperhead #6

By Jay Faerber, Scott Godlewski, Ron Riley, and Thomas Mauer Deliver us from hiatus, oh beloved Copperhead; thou hast returned and the people rejoiced, for…

Nailbiter #11

By Joshua Williamson, Mike Henderson, & Adam Guzowski The third arc of Nailbiter kicks off with an amazing cover from Mike Henderson and Adam Guzowski,…

Drifter #5

By Ivan Brandon and Nic Klein Drifter is one of the most unique series from Image right now, which is saying a lot. Issue #5 was…

Wytches #5

By Scott Snyder, Jock, Matt Hollingsworth “You’re going to take me there! You hear me?!! Take me there!!” To Disney World?! Oh…to the big scary…

The Fuse #11

by Antony Johnston, Justin Greenwood, and Shari Chankhamma There is something different about this arc of The Fuse. From the very beginning, Johnston began imbedding…